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Or Definition


Heraldry Gold, represented in heraldic engraving by a white field sprinkled with small dots.
A logical operator that requires either of two inputs to be present or conditions to be met for an output to be made or a statement to be executed.
source from Merriam-Webster
The heraldic color gold or yellow.
source from Merriam-Webster


Archaic Used to indicate the first of two alternatives, with the force of either or whether.
Before. Followed by ever or ere: "I doubt he will be dead or ere I come” ( Shakespeare).
Used to indicate a synonymous or equivalent expression: acrophobia, or fear of great heights.
Used to indicate an alternative, usually only before the last term of a series: hot or cold; this, that, or the other.
Used to indicate uncertainty or indefiniteness: two or three.




Operating room.
source from Merriam-Webster
Operational research; operations research.
source from Merriam-Webster
source from Merriam-Webster
Owner's risk.
source from Merriam-Webster
Own recognizance.
source from Merriam-Webster

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